Its been really a long long while since i last did a post on this blog of ours. Reasons : too busy with the lil one, even if i m on off days... BUT i really really hope to squeeze out some time to do it, cos dun wanna disappoint mummy Nicole and to also to keep the memories intact in this blog of ours...
So Chloe had finally passed the 8weeks mark, but she is down with flu(running nose) and cough. Poor lil her, luckily she dun have to go for blood test again like last time when she had fever, in KKH. So its kinda a relief that its just common flu virus this time round.
Day and nite, she is coughing so badly that the phlegm is stucked down her throat she could'nt get it out so easily like us(adults). Mummy Nicole is so brave that she always used the device to suck out the mucus from Chloe's nose. I can't stand the sound of the 'sucking', it makes me wanna puke...
The hardest thing is to force her to eat the cough syrup...crying and crying...but really no choice, cos its the only easy way out of her sickness.
Last nite bb Chloe had a longest sleep ever...12midnite after her milk till 8am in the morning for her 2nd session of milk. How we WISH she do that everynite...